Operational Business Assessment Program
Are you satisfied with the efficiency and effectiveness of your business operations? Perhaps you have experienced growth and have a sense that the company is not as…
The True Relationship Between Lean and ERP
By leveraging the best of both ERP and Lean, companies have seen the type  of improvements shown below. Front office productivity gains of 30% - 60% Shop…
Shop Floor Kaizen
It is acknowledged that the blending of Lean, Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraint (TOC) improvement techniques help companies realize higher levels of business performance. It…
Supplier Performance Management Clinic
Managing the performance of your suppliers, a critical component of overall supply chain management, can have a material impact on your company’s revenue growth and operating margin.…
Production Scheduling
Why is production scheduling the number one concern for most small to mid-sized manufacturers? Download the whitepaper to find out.
Minimizing risk and maximizing your chances of success with ERP
The Wall Street Journal published an article stating that 73.8% of the manufacturing companies surveyed were not happy with their ERP system. Not a statistic you want…
Business Process Kaizen
By setting a course that encourages standard work, reduction/elimination of waste, and implementation of 5S and deployment of visual controls, employees will continue to reap the many…